A downloadable game for Windows


Work in Progress.

I'm so old I can't remember my first game but in the top ten was a remake of Galaxian, one of the first to use User Defined Graphics (8x8 character based graphics) was a Galaxian style game and the very first to use machine code sprites (24x24) using a routine I learned from a book was Galaxian.  So I picked this from the various options because it's always been near the fore front of new game making experiences and I haven't touched this sort of game for almost 20 years.


With one hour left I've run out of time.  I managed to find 10 hours to put this Jam entry together and while there are a few things missing (nice beizer curves for the attack, attacks ending with enemy ships swooping back into position) and a few nice things I had planned missing (shaders and pretty stuff mostly) the only thing missing from the game is the enemies don't shoot!  This doesn't take too much away from the game since they still kamikazi into you and considering there was no collisions at all on the player, game over or game restarting until a hour before my submission that's not too bad :)


Previous binary may have been broken.  Try this one.  More to come soon.


GalAttack.zip 51 MB